Our Farm

Surrounding these properties is an area of farmland set amongst the traditional “poios” (terraces) which is really the heart of the whole Quinta. The vineyard produces grapes used in the production of Blandy´s Madeira wine whilst the herbs and vegetables are sold to local restaurents and hotels and are also offered to guests who stay on the property.

We also grow aloé vera which is sold and transformed into balsams and gels and are beginning to replant and recover some of the disused agricultural land.  IN 2019 we hope to plant asparagus, expand our organic mushroom production to include another greenhouse and recover our second greenhouse.  Our plans for the future are to plant more papaya and mango trees, and to create some passion fruit trellises as well as planting out different vegetables as well.  We are not yet organic, although we have parts of the farm where we don´t use chemicals.

Guests are welcome to explore the farmland and pathways that wend their way alongside narrow leavadas (irrigation channels) that help circulate water around the Quinta.  There are many nooks and crannies to be discovered….. 

Volunteering at the Quinta

We offer people the opportunity to volunteer here at the Quinta in exchange for food and lodging.  If you are interested in this possibility, we welcome people who have a real interest in working on the land.   You can get in touch with us for more details: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Villa - Quinta de Santa Luzia
Rua de Santa Luzia 113

Quinta das Malvas
Rua de levada de Santa Luzia 124

Mobile: (+351) 924 434 153
Phone: (+351) 291 281 663

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E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

© Quinta de Santa Luzia